Hi vvvvolks,
For a live performance I need to build a patch similar to grrrrid (found in girlpower), but instead of using a plane grid I want to use a spherical grid. I started fromm the grrrrid patch to make my own and I changed almost nothing to it, but the only result I get is a quad grid with strangely distorted borders, not a nice sphere with animated pikes. Can anyone help me?
in the grid patch between the cross node and the arbitry transform node create a cartesian node .
create 2 linear spread and connect them to the cross node instead of using only one for the 2 input,
set the with of the first linearspread at 1 and the second one at 0,5.
and connect the fft > damper to the lenght of the cartesian node
have a look in vvvv_beta9.10\girlpower+ Dynamic Mesh
dynamic tornado.v4p, it´s a kind of tentacle , try to tweak the parameter , especially the exp node.