Default OSC value in Arguments

When a Slider of TouchOSC is not moved it gets and undefined out, ok, but i what a default value on start, how to do this?

Route ist /starwars/ to start animation - slider is /starwars/speed/ have to be moved to get a value, that it is working…
= undefined … how to do that to trigger a switch?


Check vvvv-Message in contributions.

It has a TouchOSC girlpower example, that works in both directions, and should help you avoid all the logic pitfalls that come with the standard osc nodes.

Ok, thx!

I found also, isEmpty… but sending is better…

by sending, TouchOSC get set, but doesn’t send this values back to vvvv, so the revieving arguments still undefined… ?

There is nothing to set special in the editor…

ok, you meen, send it just to localhost, to fake a OSC input, that works… thx!!!

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