Hi, Im new to vvvv.
I have a patch running with
Player (EX9.Texture Timebased)
It works fine using a jpeg sequence But I want an alpha channel sequence- from what I can gather dds is the only way to do this in VVVV.
So I created a dds Image sequence with this tool - dds-converter
I can see the dds files fine in windows
But when I select the dds Directory the Render screen is just black.
Am I missing something?
I think there is a bug in that patch as it always runs negative numbers with dds
but if I just use The basic Player and control it manually its fine
August 27, 2014, 9:09am
Most stupid question: did you change Filemask to find your dds files? Note that default value is *.jpg.
DDS loads extremely fast because there is no CPU decompression required, PNG has smaller file size on disc and lossless image quality but can be rather slow to load.