DCTL in gamma

Hi All

I hope you had a great few days at LINK.

I have been using davinci resolve for my video needs in quite a few years. In the Studio version, there is the option to use DCTL’s ( DaVinci Color Transform Language). There are some pretty cool DCTL’s for manipulating colors.

When looking at the files, to my admittedly not super trained shader eyes, looks a lot like shaders.

So my thinking is that it would be super handy to be able to dump DCTL’s into gamma to benefit from some of the pretty cool DCTL’s that are out there, both paid and free.

No idea how viable this is, but it would be cool.

Some references:

The resolve manual, chapter 196: https://documents.blackmagicdesign.com/UserManuals/DaVinci_Resolve_19_Reference_Manual.pdf

From resolve café: DaVinci Color Transform Language (DCTL)

Demystify Colors, DCTL coding: https://www.demystify-color.com/dctl-coding

Example shaders from Demystify Colors on github: GitHub - Demystify-Color/DCTLs: Free DCTLs for Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve. Written by Nico Fink. Insights/Tutorials of these DCTLs available on: www.demystify-color.com/dctl-coding

Just a thought



Also, there might be some licensing issues involved and other legal stuff, I don’t know, but it exist and could be cool