Creating Subpatches in Runtime

Hi people,

I need to create a lot of subpatches of varying quantity in runtime. I’ve put them all together in a directory. When using CreateNode with Dir, they all nicely pop up. Due to performance Issues, I would need to have them all unevaluated and preferably hidden. Is there an easy way, to get that done?



yo alex,

have you seen the hidden “Evaluate” pin on subpatches ?

hey @sebescudie

Yes I know that Pin… but the patch is created on runtime… I can’t set that pin for 100 patches. I’ll try to explain, what I’m trying:

I have roundabout 100 subpatches, that I wan’t to load into the the parent patch. The should not evaluate from the beginning on, and be hidden (which I could set with SetPatchMode inside the Patches, but I’d rather find an external way). I want then to selectively evaluate one or two of these subpatches, since they contain a lot of textures, or many values.



EDIT: Just trying to get it working with SetPatch. Does anybody know, how I can get the Evaluate-Pin with XPath?

I’ve made a patch to clarify (4.5 KB)

sorry for late…

you don’t need to get the pins. all you need is the ID of the node, because then you can send a message to the pin named “Evaluate” of the node with the given ID. does that help?

By sending a message to the pin, you mean using SetPatch?

ah, sorry, right. with SetPatch.

So I did… works perfectly.

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