hi all
a very very strange timing bug (vvvv33beta14)
on my laptop ( asus c90 /E6600 CPU@2.4GHZ/8600mGT)
when i tweak the overclocking utility : turboGear
cpu setting :80%/100%/110%/120%
the Midi clock sended by Live to vvvv
is not correct…
i use the out pin measure of the MidiClock Node
(OnChange + ToggleEdge) and a TimeBetween …
some divide operations
to get the TEMPO in an ioBox…
but the tempo seems to fit only in standard cpu mode:
CPU @ 100% : 120BPM = 120 BPM ok
CPU @ 75% downclocked : a 120BPM will be around 185 BPM!!!
CPU @ 110% o/clocked : a 120BPM will be around 110 BPM
CPU @ 120% o/clocked : a 120BPM will be around 105 BPM
i never have problems to synchronize other apps&hardware
( here i use midiox to feed vvvv)
do you think it’s a vvvv issue ?