I can use Count (Node) but it feels like raw would be more “Correct”
ai sunep,
so how about we add “raw” as tag to the Count (Node) node? and probably some other tags as well…
Thats would be cool, the thing is that I suspect every time I use a (Node) node that it might be a bit unstable. It is probably not important in this case and stems from using the Switch (Node) with textures years ago. Since then I have been a bit sceptical about the (Node) nodes
ouright, so i added “raw, transform, texture” for now. let me know if you find more.
how about writing that off as a patching myth?
ok, I will try… but you know, old dog, new tricks
with that in mind, shouldn’t all the versions of Count be replaced by Count (Node) that would be simpler to just have one count node.
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