my problem:
I’m using the contour node to track blobs generated by touching the screen.
However when the album art circulates around the fiducial marker I cant highlight it or select tracks.
I was using the mouse but now I want to swap it by looking for blobs
ok sorry guys
this is the link
the main patch is in the folder:
and its called NEWCIRCULARmenu
in this main patch
there are three subpatches that I’m concerned with:
Contourfducialsub returns the x and y coordinates of the “blobs”
generated by the person touching the screen
These coordinates are meant to go to CircularPics and CircularPics2
but for some reason the values are not going through to these subpatches.
I want the blobs to activate everything in the patch
I’m cleaning up the patches now
so I’ll upload a cleaner version
Sorry about the earlier post
i have uploaded the cleaned up patch
well as clean as i can get it for the moment
if it needs some more cleanup let me know
the problem i’m having is with the contours from the Contourfducailsub subpatch
I am difficulty sending the x and y information to both
these are meant to activate the album art and then display the text so I can add music to the directory