Hello people, i am creating a patch with lot of different transforms into a quad and i´ve just realized that the cons node takes a lot of performance when you deal with big number of them, its really noticable issue for me and i would like to know experiences about that and alternatives…
i know stallone could be one, but it dont treats the joining of the transforms in the same way as cons, so accessing to slices is different…any hint about that … thanks and just say, lovvvve to everybody. ;)
please provide a patch that demonstrates this
if you don’t need the Output Bin Size and know c# basics just rewrite it with the output as 1d spread. that saves a lot of performance
here is a simple example about it joreg,actually in my old laptop it takes the double of performance than do it in a dirty way, when you deal with a big number of tranforms,it increase a lot more…
i attach a simple example to experiment with…
@Woei thanks a lot , actually im starting with c# programming,as you say i think is the way to go, any newbie tip? … although i can understand very basic code, i dont know how to deal with transform matrix…
thanks people.https://vvvv.org/sites/default/files/imagecache/large/images/Cons(transform).png
Cons_example.zip (4.6 kB)
upcoming release will contain new cons nodes with improved performance. check for yourself using latest alpha builds.