win10, 50beta35 x64, vvvv-packs-dx11-0.7.1-x64
see patch
MemoryLeak.7z (1.8 KB)
win10, 50beta35 x64, vvvv-packs-dx11-0.7.1-x64
see patch
MemoryLeak.7z (1.8 KB)
TL;DR Evaluate false probably does not work with DX11 nodes as expected.
With IDX11ResourceHost interface the Update(DX11RenderContext context) method of the class is executed even if evaluate is set to False.
Call to dispose this.FOutput.SafeDisposeAll(); is located in the Evaluate method of the plugin class and does not get executed when Evaluate is set to False.
@vux please what could be the way how to fix this?
Fixed, see:
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