Camera transform softimage missing

just downloaded the new version 45beta27.1.,
i am missing the node camera transform softimage.

has it been removed ?
if yes which node to use instead.

any help appreciated



use 7zip to unzip your vvvv-version

i unzipped everything again
now it works:)

thanky you regards

I have the same problem, but the problem is when I copy the addonpack I loose the Camera Transform Softimage, and other nodes.

Could some help me?

how do you copy the addonpack into the vvvv folder? is your root.v4p still the original?

I have unzipped (with 7zip) the folder and overwrite the three folders (girlpower, lib, licenses). I have to do something else? I dont know what happend with de root.v4p

@alenarmona: You have to move the whole content of the addonpack zip to your vvvv folder including the addonpack folder itself.

Then the directory structure should look like this:


  • addonpack
    – girlpower
    – lib
    – licenses

  • girlpower

  • lib

  • licenses

I understood wrong, my English is not very good!
I apologize, thank you very much.