Hi vvvvolks, I made a vvvvery basic patch mixer and, looking to my Renderer (TTY), I see this message again and again…
[event.call: error occured in TMViewPatch](event.call: error occured in TMViewPatch): Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 0044004F in Modul ‘vvvv.exe’. Schreiben von Adresse 7E0A8D96
Hoya Joreg,
Mmmh… Bad news. As I told those errors occure in a patch mixer so I may be pretty hard to locate excatly but I’ll post all the stuff. Becaue of that vvvv.exe crashes (and sometimes kernel32.dll). For information, I tweaked XP (see this post) but maybe I’ve been wrong…
i don’t know. since i don’t know when the error occurs. hm. upload the bounds also and tell me how to reproduce the error with that setup. what to click…
@gregsn: just erase one of the patch and try to create it again, most of the time errors happen this way… I tried using only one of the two channels, I reversed to default some tweaking I made but problem is still the same. But all my patches work well out of the patch mixer.
The real prob is that I can’t understand information given by TTY or windows log event…
If the trouble remains, I guess I’m going to use vvvv only to create vids that I will use in resolume, but stop trying to use it live… Such a heartbreak! :(
News… I have reseted the registry and tunings to zero, moreover I installed .NET2. A little bit less bugz but now I can see libmplayer.dll, kernel32.dll and ntdll.dll are involved. I might be wrong but kernel32.dll is about memory management, is it?