Breaking change in dx11 shader

hi all,

can someone help me
it’s look like there’s a change i can’t identify in the dx11 pipeline
this tfx shader works with dx11 0.6.1 (30/12/2015)

but not with next versions!!

any ideas


Hi, guest, i noticed a can’t sample texture array in tfx recently, was thinking i had an error somewhere, but that looks like a bug to me

gonna assamble a sample

Ok, i did a test, seems sapmpling texture array in tfx works like charm… I thought maybe there is a problem with depth texture as array, but seems everything fine…

will try to check that shader i a bit, but it would be hard without a patch

here you can check if that will work for you (2.5 KB)

hey thanks Anto

same here your patch works fine with latest dx11 & beta36
the issue can be tested with the Patch main.v4p found here
packs\VVVV.Nodes.ProjectorSimulation\examples\Example 2 - Table of projectors DX11

just DL the repo
plus the attached table dll plugin
let me know if you found something!! (21.5 KB)

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