Box out of ODE Planes

I’m pretty aware this might be a stupid or newbieeish question, but:

I would like to build a cube out of six ODE Boxes (or Planes) that can be controlled in whole by one single Transform Node. (The idea is to have balls bouncing around inside as the cube rotates and translates.

The first and very simple approach to “spawn” the balls inside of one ODE Box failed.

For the second idea i would need a CenterXYZ-Pin on the ODE Box Node, which seems to be useless together with the Quaternion-Pin.

Is there a node with Transform-Input-Pin that outputs Translation, Scaling and Rotation-Vectors? Guess that would help me in conjunction with “Apply Transform” …

Or how would you solve the mentioned problem? Is there already a module that does what i need?

Many thanks in advance and kind regards from Austria,

should be feasible, a year ago a made a couple of nodes to make the ODE objects mre handy. but they are not updated for bate9.2, have a look at it to get some ideas, converting the plane or box module should be easy:

another idea for your box, is to build a box out of 6 flat boxes …

thanks tonfilm.

that was exactly what i needed!
