Borderless window not recognized by ScreenRecorder

Hey! I have the image of my webcam in a Stride TextureWindow. This window is the input of the ScreenRecorder, because I want to record the image coming from the webcam. When I record a video, the window border is also part of the recording, so I used the SetWindowState node and set the Stride Texture Window to borderless. The problem is, that after this, the ScreenRecorder is not recognizing my TextureWindow anymore… Does anyone have a solution for this?

hey vikker,

two things:

  • if you really only directly want to record your webcam, note that you should also be able to choose it from Source enum. devices are listed at the very bottom
  • i just tested recording of borderless windows and it works. as long as your window has a title (even if not showing) the Source enum will list it. make sure you have the latest version of VL.Screenrecorder (as there was a fix regarding borderless windows a while ago)

if both these don’t help, please share a little patch that demonstrates this issue.

hi joreg,
thank you very much, updating VL.Screenrecorder solved the problem!