Body picture

hi, is it possible in vvvv, if i want to use webcam to take picture of object/human body and put some interaction like changing the background? i am using vvvv and webcam to take human picture and change the current background with another background.

Perhaps the -BG+Key.fx shader from the User Shader Page can help you here…

i downloaded it. can u explain to me how to use that?, i dont really understand how to use it.

you have to capture the background once without object/human body being present.
for this reason hit that ‘Set Background’-IOBox.

now the shader has a “reference”.

so can i use this to implement my idea? i want to take human picture and then change the background with other backgrounds.

Have a look at Background Substraction.fx made by frank at the User Shaders page.


feed the “livestream texture” inlet with, guess what, your camera stream.
feed the “background texture” inlet with a capture of the background without humans/objects.
feed the “key texture” inlet with the texture you want to have as a new background.

play around with the threshold and don’t expect wonders.
it won’t have the quality you know from e.g. wheatherforecasts…