Beta23 access violation at adress 005670C0

hi joreg, i m coming back with this patch, the “whaaaaat a paaaatch” one ;-) :

made a big clean before writting to you back about this bugging thing in beta 23:

sometimes being readed videos are seeked at exactly 80 seconds position.

nothing inside the debug , the seek is manually setted or on change of the file name (string).

video being affected by this strange beahviour are:
WMV 1280720 xbr8g8b8 , mipmapcount 1, 608.3 length
WMV 1440
1080 xbr8g8b8 , mipmapcount 1, 1264,6 length

this happens on just those 2 videos:
file is selected > i m doing play > the two files will seek at the first time, then play again from beginning, until the end, without seek.

once the video has seeked unfortunatly to beginning, its no more seeking at 80 seconds.

if i change files in the vide player, the two files will seek again at same position, 80 seconds, then play without troubles

im searching all my patch for framedelay node i m suspecting seriously about that bug. could you give me your opinion about it ?

this happens without calling any other part of the patch, just on read of videos.
i have past my day to test everything, and this happens despite anything else is loaded.

here is the subpatch playing videos, could it be possible something hidden inside of it ?

( nice to see you on vimeo, putting face, voice and feel is great ) ;-)

sub_lecteur_video_7.v4p (39.2 kB)

continues on

glad we do have doubles for such stunts…

well for a first stunt its powerfull !!!