Beeezier in china

hey there,

i tryed to run my vvvv-patch for an artexhibition on a chinese windows. everything working fine, but the bèzierspreads disapeared in my patch and i can not create new ones… not by typing or selecting from the list. i think it must be a problem with the systemlanguage and the “é”. when i try to create one, i only get plain text saying “bézierspread (…)”.

want to report and ask if anyone knows a workaround, exhibition is in two days and i can not install an english windows


so our help patch of the bézierspread also does not work on a chinese windows? can anyone confirm this as a bug?

if its just a matter of creating the node with the gui, copy&paste from the help patch or a copy&paste directly in the v4p xml file could give you a fresh node.

the bézierspread behaves like a missing subpatch. when i open my patch (or the bézier help patch) the bézier node and all its connections do not show up. if i have the time i will check it on several computers here, until now it happened on two computers.