BCR2000 NRPN 14bit midi patch

Hello, I’d like to share with you a little patch to get NRPN 14bit midi values from a Behringer BCR2000.

I don’t know if this is the best way but it works,

Feedbacks are welcome.

The knob(s) you want to listen have to be setup as NRPN in A14 (absolute 14) mode.

BCR2000 NRPN (midi).v4p (11.1 kB)

Only a question, why, sometimes, the buffer jitter a bit?

Haven’t tested it yet but, I think it’d be better to provide the corresponding program for the BCR2000 as well.

It’s for knobs setup in NRPN mode with values setup as A14 (absolute 14)
you can choose the channel in patch
in this patch channel is not spreadable but with a bit of patching it could be