I would like to use this patch as a game controller like the famous hopscotch or “Himmel und Hölle” game, where your jump from one field to another.
My problem is that I can’t need MIDI or OSC triggers which are used as default in that patch, instead I would like send out keyboard events, because that would be more easy to connect to my Unity game. I need arrow up/down/left/right and Y button.
So… I managed to get the hitbox events to different bang-switches via getslices, now when the switch is enabled, it shall send a virtal keybord press or or whatever, like a bang-typewriter :D
but it doesnt work.
Unfortunately most examples I found are about receiving keyboard signals into vvvv, not sending them from vvvv. Any ideas?
I have a problem with the keyboard-simulation patch: the input values alread are coming from a spread (a list saying box 1-5 is colliding or not). so i dont know how to connect the values from spread 1 (hitbox1 on/off, hitbox2 on/off or 0/1…) to the spread with they key codes from the keyboard-simulator.
I’d probably need to convert the values of the hitbox spread in a way to have a default value 0 (all boxes off), 1 (box 1 on), 2 (box 2on) etc. With those numbers 0-5 it would be possible to trigger the spreads of the keyboard-simulation via getslice…