AVActivist Feedback and Discussion

Hey there,
Just released one of the software I have been working on the ast years:


And this is the VVVV internal discussion and feedback thread.

Basically it is a modern version of svvvvitcher if you want to see it like this. But in fact there is not a single left over from svvvvitcher it is completly my own application design.
I hope that this can be a good starting point for people digging into VVVV as svvvvitcher was for me three years ago.
It is based on DX11 (many thanks to vux). You can see all the description in the link above. Here I want to talk about other things, pros and cons etc.

First of all I realy hoped to make a seamles patch switching possible.
And I got very close to it but still not 100%
Right now the application is patching itself and loading all content patches on startup and only the one in use gets evaluated at a time. It prevents the bigger lag when switching and sometimes seems seamles but most of the time you still have one frame lag. Mostly when the patch is evaluated for the first time or gets reevaluated after a long time. Switching quickly between patches is pretty seamless.

Another point that I had to compromise for this release is something which I will for sure update - if the software gains interest by some users - is the separation of rendering and GUI. The GUI takes a big part of the performance and should be running in another process. And of course it would be great to run the GUI on a tablet while the graphics are running on a laptop. I have something like this working already but I didn’t put it in this release because of some bugs. And I didn’t want to wait until having time to fix those. so I just skipped that feature for this release. But it is honestly the biggest bottleneck.

Yeah this are the downsides of the software.

If you find bugs let me know.
And any feedback in general is very welcome.
