Audio Visual Help

hi vvvvolks,

it’s me again. at the moment i am working on some interactive audio visuals. now i am at the point i want to make some lines morphing to the sound.

i am fine with tonfilms great audio analyser and i am also fine with dampers, decay and other animation nodes to make the movements nice and smooth.

but now i am at the point i want to deform and twist these lines and i am not quite sure how to do. i found the b-spline, vector2points and bezierspread nodes but only get fractals, knots, loops and whatever but dont know how to spread them in the right way as i want them.

the attachment shows a simple graphic what i want to achieve in vvvv. some help how to do would be nice.


Audiovisualisierung2_small.JPG (82.3 kB)

i once patched something like that, see the MuliCurve (DX9) Module on my Userpage @phl

not very complex. you can try entering the results of your audio analysis in the Y Values of the curve

thx, thats exactly what i am looking for.

i gonna try to understand which transformation and spreads you applied to come to this result.

after i linked it to my audio analysis it will also be connected to my head tracking module to add some more transformations (i use johnny lee’s approach with the wiimote and 2 ir-leds on my head for that)

thanx so much for the fast reply