Been building a patch controlled by artnet, sending artnet from within the patch, to provide control without a desk while I set it up. It was working fine, artnet nodes seem very leanient in their setup! But its no longer working, subnet and universe are right, but no data gets sent, any ideas for trouble shooting?
Wouldnt you know it, I closed the browser, tried again, it works, so ermm
sorry for wasting bandwidth! Only think I did was ad an IP node first, dont know if that did something?
Yeah its an 8 way+ wireless router, its not mine, Im on site tomorrow though, I’ll have a look and let you know! (could be the artlistlicence one though!n Worked straight off, though we were getting some channel wobble last week, I think I’ve fixed that though!)
My problem happened again, I added the ip, and it said, so what I think happened was may network disconnected (im on auto IP) I restarted got the 127 IP, artnet failed, to fix I joined the network again, all works.
Only think is the first time I used artnet im sure I was autoIP no network connection, and it worked within the patch, but maybe I was wrong!