Hello ,
you know guys how could i get the area and rotation from a random set of points , ?
Hello ,
you know guys how could i get the area and rotation from a random set of points , ?
hi i made little example as probably the question should have been "how to get area and rotation from irregular polygon by just knowing the points and binsize .
i guess is similar to what contour does get the area and rotation from points .
i found a site with a posible aproach for the area :
it is in spanish but you can understand by the pictures and animation in the atteched file i put the code into a plug and translated .
basicly It calculates the irregular polygon by split it in triangles and get the area of each of tehm and sum them all .
I,d liek to know there is something already in vvvv nodes to make it or if this aproach is fine to continue , i,ll have to think how to make spreadble with binsize and find out how to convert to vvvv coordinate system .
about gettting teh rotation i have no clue .
atached also simulation patch .
triangulation is no problem, but i don’t understand what you mean by roation? if you have a random shape, how would you know which is 0 rotation and what is the actual rotation?
there is an open cv function called MinimumAreaRect (2d) that vux did- it’s in the addon pack.
with minimumarearect its hard to get a continous rotation. the result is jumping probably cause there is more than one solution
hi thanks for your replies ,
minimum area rec looks nice but yes for rotation seem too tricky , @ tonfilm my idea of rotation is that you set a 0 rotation of the polygon when first is created , that is why a pointed out contour as i thought it might be behaves like that when blob it is found 0 , or may be it gets bounds and determine rotation from there , not too sure exactly .
what i,m trying is to get the area knowing the points (blobs) and rotations since the polygons were created .
for better understanding:
the shape of the polygon will not change after the creation?
hi hrovac
yes ideally the shape may change , amount of points will be the same .
colorsound youre going to use this for multitouch rotation gesture right?
so amount of points can change… tracking and poeples behaviour is not so predicatble…
i would just add up the rotation around the points center incrementally and divide the increment by number of touching points. thats how i do it at the moment.
hi elek thanks for your suggestion ,
yes the idea is to use it for tracking purposes like multitouch , so group of blobs makes a polygon and if blob count changes then next polygon is like new reseted one , then get the whole relative area and rotation from it .
any more ideas ?
hi , ok for now i,ll try to make binsize plug with the first triangulation formula and for rotation i,ll use elektromeier trick .