just found this in latest alpha release as of 28/12/12. Also, unfortunately, in beta29.
XP 32bit.
Attached log.
just found this in latest alpha release as of 28/12/12. Also, unfortunately, in beta29.
XP 32bit.
Attached log.
And this makes good old line (EX9) module inoperable :(
same here. win7 b29 x86
vvvv.exe-exception-2013-01-02.txt (29.6 kB)
same here
win7 b29 x86
Have a look at https://discourse.vvvv.org/
that should be included in crack.exe
(btw fortran?? why??)
looks like we forgot to copy the FSharp.Core.dll into the lib/nodes/plugins folder in the process of moving to x86/x64 builds. you can use the one from beta28.1 if you have it. just place it into the same directory.
(btw fortran?? Visual F# is a new programming language that provides support for functional as well as object-oriented and procedural programming with the runtime support, libraries, interoperability, tools and object model of the .NET Framework.)
Hi tonfilm,
at the time I found the issue, I followed the procedure you suggest about dll (suddenly, I was able to read a log), but it didn’t work, exception was still there (on a XP 32bit). Still have to try Dimix’ solution.
EDIT: yes, installing F# runtime solved the issue.
Thank you
just for ease of use, here is a link to the F# runtime that made the red node go away for me too: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=13450
indeed the dll went missing when doing the 64bit switch. should be in there again. sorry for the inconvenience.