any chances to get the HTMLTexture CEF bindings (currently on ver. 3.1750.1738) upgraded to the latest version (ver. 3.2171.2069)? This would bring us also a newer version of Chromium (ver. 41.x) which I’m hoping to get some more speed out of when doing vvvv embedded css animations :)
looks like this makes it even worse. I attached a example patch, running this with “vvvv_45beta34_x86” seems okish (beside font aliasing issues and the overall performance issues) but running this with the actual alpha (ed040cbf05) it’s suuuper slow :(
Testing with vvvv_50alpha34.100_x86 on a Windows 8.1 machine … html is included in the test sketch above. … You should see basic css transitions. Running on the latest alpha it looks like it’s running at ~1-2 fps. Running with the latest Beta it’s a lot faster but has a) issues with font smoothing (as reported at the cef dev channels) and stutters from time to time (not so using the latest version of chrome on the same computer).
As said … everything you need to test should be provided in the .zip above!
If there is anything else I can do please let me know. … By the way, tested it on my local Macbook via Parallels and on a brand new Windows machine - both show the same results.
When I open the index.html in a browser I see no animation running. Just static text. Surely that’s not what you want me to test. And with exact version I meant the one of CEF not vvvv.
If you run the cefclient.exe of those specific versions you’ll see the same results as in vvvv. The older (1750) runs much smoother than the newer (2171).
You tested the newest development version (2494) and indeed the animation is smoother than in 2171 but still not as good as it was in 1750.
So seems we need to do another CEF upgrade. Problem is the language bindings for C# haven’t been updated yet to the latest versions. So looks like we’ll need to wait a little.
Ok, too bad :( But thanks for investigating into this! M
y biggest issue with the current beta 34.1 CEF 3.1750 version is the missing font antialiasing. I’ve seen some hacks around that, let’s see if I can get one of them up and running … will report back in the forum.