Another fx issue

So this is a gourand.fx that I opened, don’t think I edited and then saved to the path of my patch, on reopening the patch the shader doesn’t work, pins are missing and the technique enum is GS Wavetable SW Synth…
There is something quite odd going on here!
I tried reopening vvvv, but the error is still here!

ground.fx (4.3 kB)

the fx virus is spreading

ai cat,

do you see the line:
#include “PhongPoint.fxh”

it refers to a file of that name that is supposed to be found just next to the .fx file itself. make sure it is there and restart. voila.


Sorry Joreg, Should have noticed that!

Thanks mate!

that is a nice trap door.
the PhongPoint.fxh only holds a few lines of code.
i prefer to have some more lines of code within the fx itself rather than having to worry about forgetting external files.

this would be lots easier if vvvv’s fx folder would provide a subfolder structure. IMHO each shader should be placed in a subfolder to avoid the mess with referenced externals.

but this is lots more urgent for the plugins-folder. this is a pure mess.