Just tested one of my bigger projects in 50alpha34.106_x64 and got an interesting error:
“inserting Patch xxx.v4p into ? (?) would lead to anarchie.”
My patch is not made for question marks and indeed, anarchy is not its purpose ;)
However if I click “Ok and hide” everything seems to load and work. (Cannot test fully atm, lacking the right hardware.)
ai, the error-message you get here means that somewhere in your patch-hierarchy a patch would include another patch in a recursive manner. vvvv then simply does not place this node and continues. so probably you’ve got a leftover somewhere in a patch…
i’m pretty sure you’d get the same message in beta34.2 if you enable the ExceptionDialog (via mainmenu) before you open the patch there. can you confirm?
You are right, with ExceptionDialog ON i get the same message in beta34.2.
I found the issue: in the mentioned patch I referenced another patch that would be the inverse funtionality. That inverse patch wasn’t connected however, it sat merely there as a note - yet cause the exception.