Advanced DirectX11 Shading

One Sentence: Whats happening in your workshop?
This workshop is intended to explain and demonstrate how to use advanced DirectX11 pipeline features, using real world scenarios.

What 3 tags describe your workshop?
DirectX11, hlsl, pipeline

In which of the three categories does your workshop fall: beginner, intermediate, advanced

How long will your workshop be?
(Standard formats are 3h or 2x 3h, but other formats may be possible)
2x3h or 3h

Who is the target audience of your workshop?
Anyone who wants to learn more advanced features about low level DirectX11 rendering techniques.

What knowledge do you presume your participants have?
DirectX11 and Hlsl knowledge

What will attendees of your workshop learn?
Geometry/Streamout/Tesselation shaders
DepthStencil/Blend/Rasterizer advanced usage
Interaction between standard rendering and compute pipeline.
Advanced resources usage (overlapping resources, uav only rendering, multi resources, volumes)

What technical requirements does your workshop have (apart from internet and a projector)?
e.g. special hardware, software, graphiccards, materials, dancers/performers
DirectX11 Graphics card (Shader model 5). Means pretty much any laptop nowadays ;)

Who would be the two hosts?
mrvux, idwyr

How would the hosts qualify for the topic? (Describe and add links to portfolio website, github, vimeo,… accounts)
How would the hosts qualify for the topic? (Describe and add links to portfolio website, github, vimeo,… accounts)
DirectX11 nodes author.


Workshops with Vux are the most influential ones & mindblowing. I understood maybe 5% but I benefit from it almost everyday.


i’m totally in for that one

Yes please. Essential!

Looking forward to it