Add pin to subpatch

Hey there!

I made a subpatch now I want to create new in- and outputs to the mainpatch. Is it possible to do this afterwards?


Open the Subpatch. Create a new IOBox in the Subpatch (double rightclick in the patch). Open the Inspektor (Cntrl + I). Select the IOBox and give it a “Descriptive Name”. Depending on if the IOBox is used as an Input or Output it will be an Input or Output of the Subpatch.

You only have to create an IOBox and give it a descriptive name in the inspektor (ctrl+i).
a shortcut is start a connection make middle click to automatically create a IOBox and then another middle click on the IOBox to give it the name of the pin from which you started.

an please read this site:

Thanks a lot guys

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