no last link is not a link but a cgi command
otherwise, i m accessing now to the web interface BUT i m not understanding the following things:
-the image is not complete until i resize the HTML renderer to have a complete image
-the dx9 renderer is blinking white, like if there was trouble in refreshments
of the renderer HTML
i m very perplex. I was thinking that I can get a good result from the camera directly.
any idea ?
edit: driver is not listening to this syntax: http://User:Pass@Camera_IP:Port/vb.htm?videocodecmode=Profile&videocodecres=Mode,
где Profile x Mode:
0 x 0 - Tri mode: MPEG-4 352x192, MPEG-4 1280x720, M-JPEG 320x176
1 x 0 - Dual mode 1: MPEG-4 640x480, M-JPEG 640x480
1 x 1 - Dual mode 2: MPEG-4 1280x720, M-JPEG 1280x720
2 x 0 - Dual mode 3: MPEG-4 352x192, MPEG-4 1280x720
3 x 0 - Single 1: MPEG-4 1280x720
4 x 0 - Single 2: M-JPEG 1280x720
You could try to get the image directly and not the webpage it is embedded in. Open up the page in your browser (e.g. Firefox), right-click on the webcam image, in the context-menu that is popping up, there should be some option like “Copy Image Location”. Use the URL that is copied to the clipboard with HTTP (Network Get) to retrieve the image.
hi bjoern, thanks for your reply. helas i m trying to access the video stream, and not an image.
i have a simple little html text showing up in the outputted string
the ip camera is running 25fps and i do not arrive to make work cgi commands, also in a simple web browser.
surely i m missing a big something about ip cameras.
the camera may open a camera server.
bur i dont arrive to retrieve it, also with the cgi russian commands … :-((
hi christophe,
at some point it’s possible to stream the video showed from the camera software to vvvv with the sharedmemory node, but you’ve to find the name
to correctly fill the # “NamePin” of the SharedMemory (EX9.Texture)
in fact i’ve the same problem here with a software call pfv for the photron camera…
kalle told me he managed to do this between a 3rd party software and vvvv
but he get the name (for the SharedMemory node) directly from the dev of the soft…
I m still fighting:
i m accessing with HTML renderer, surely using the activeX to read it. But to get an image i m still obliged to set the HTML renderer in Ful screen.
if i reduce it, i m croping the frame
if i m hiding it i m having nothing as image pass to the gdi texture
and i m still having phase troubles with my capture:
the image is reproduced 3 times and overlaying eachone
the image is flashing white
this despite image is ok in html renderer in full screen
ouright, there really seems to be a bug somewhere concerning the resolution of the html-renderer and the gdi-textures…
sill, attached works quite good for me. make the Renderer (HTML URL) the actual size it needs to be and see how its full output is visible in the Renderer (EX9) via the GDITexture (DX9). note how you can also go fullscreen with the ex9-renderer even in front of the html-renderer!
hi joreg, first thanks to have taken the time to look at my problem. unfortunatly, is still white flashing and creating a 4xtimes enumerated image on the gdi texture.
do you think its reliable to the activeX , the 1280x720 resolution or the Three layered codec ( MPEG1 + MPEG4 + MJPG ) ?
i don’t see white flashes with my example patch. do you also get them there or only when viewing the webcam-page?
i have no idea about the cut/repeated image. i cannot think of anything that would cause that since the original is fine and the gditexture should really only be a copy…
also tried with the .cgi commands. didn’t work. probably you should ask for support from aviosys…