Absolute beginner

sorry if i sound like a noob, i’ve been playing with vvv for a week or so now and am completly thrilled by the prospect of what it it can acheive, but i have one very basic question, how do you open a patch, everytime i try to open a patch all i get is a blank screen , can anyone help me please, i know it’s probably something very simple that i’m missing and feel like a bit of a fool for asking but i am genuinely stuck

thankyou in advance

Hi guess is this what you get ? https://vvvv.org/sites/default/files/imagecache/large/images/virgin.png
If so everything is ok , i guess you have read the intro tuts if not i recomend to go throug all of them , you have impresive patches in a folder called girlpower inside vvvv directory , the middle button of your mouse shows the menu where you will see the open thingy , if you do not have middle button hold space and right click to see the same menu , also if you select a node and press F1 a help patch will show up .
Not sure if this is of any help as i,m not completly sure about your problem ?


Like Colorsound said, it is just a blank screen, like an empty text document. Click your Middle mouse for menu, or double click right to ‘create’ your first IObox Advanced.

But if you are playing with vvvv for a week, ehh… what are you playing with?? ;)