A funny question>>open CV

Hi ppl! new on this forum and new on vvvv [looks what Im looking for :)) ](looks what Im looking for :)) )

YEs My concern at the moment is about openCV library, how do I get OpenCV to work on vvvv? is it possible to install it as easy as in Jitter-MAX/MSP?

some guiding plz!

Gracias for yr time


helo fernandox,

please read about HowTo FreeFramePlugins to find out about how to use openCV with vvvv. if you have any further questions don’t hesitate to ask.

Hi Fernando,

Try to look at the DetectObject node help patch. Get your webcam ready though.


helo ferdl,

  • maybe it’s me doing something wrong…
    probably. good tracking is nothing to achieve right out of the box. for good results you need proper lighting, contrast to the background and some practice and even then some patience.

  • is it a way to modefy features in the plugin?

  • opencv is the way to do it,but just thought that vvvv might do it
    definitely. all the trackers listed here are opensource and use opencv internally. requires some coding skills, but actually should be understandable by anyone who has a general idea of code.

  • WEll I want basically tracker ppl, passing by and pick up the information
    well then there are different ways to achieve different things. if you want to track faces try the DetectObject node as recommended by nuno. if you need the contours and centers of blobs (ie. people) in front of a background try the Contours node. if you want to trigger things by activity in certain parts of a video image try the Trautner.

ty for yr replies guys!!

I’ll work on them!!

I let u know how things going!