3D Tracker

Hi guys!

I need a tracking system that is able to create a 3d model of the tracked object in realtime. once i found this project which used 3 cameras to do this, but after hours of searcing the web i gave up.

i’m happy about any suggestions!


hi schlonzo,
did you think of this?

thx, but no this won’t fit my purpose.

i need something that can track movements of a hand and create a live mesh of it.

at siggraph2007 i saw a very convincing demonstration by http://www.organicmotion.com that did exactly that. having a look at their website they seem to have an interesting contest up: [http://organicmotion.com/idmaa/info](http://www.organicmotion.com](http://www.organicmotion.com) that did exactly that. having a look at their website they seem to have an interesting contest up: [http://organicmotion.com/idmaa/info)