3d object import

i work a lot in cinema4d. what is the nicest way to import a 3d geometry into vvvv?

the only 3d fileformat you can import into vvvv is the .x format.
i am not sure if you can directly export .x from cinema. if not save it as .3ds for example and use a converter program like polytrans or deepexploration make it .x

in vvvv you use the XFile (EX9.Geometry) node connected to DrawFixed, or one of the nodes in the Effects category-

to convert 3d file formats:


full working version downloadable, licence 20 USD.

think i should add this one to the link list …

thank you guys for your quick answers. ia appreciate it a lot and i will try it right now. if i come up with some nice meshes in vvvv i’ll make them accessable to public for sure.
thx kil