3840x2160 video

Hi All,

I have a problem. I am new to all this thing srelated to video cards and expanders…

My problem is that I need to make a multiscreen projection of a 4 full HD animation. I got the external card that can split the video in the four screens, but I do not know how to send it a 3840x2160 video from my computer…to get the 4 full HD monitor with a quarter part of the animation…each monitor has different content and occurs in just one screen, as if each screen is a different world.

I am new to the vvvv software too…I am wondering if it is posible to make a patch that can send such a video out from my computer to the external card.

Any help and assistance will be appreciated,

Thanks for reading,

you should be able to do this easily with 4 quads and 4 renderers. You just have to drag them to their respective screens and hit alt-enter.

Is the content in 1 file or 4? If it is in 1 file, you just have to put a transform(2d) into the texture transform pin of each quad and adjust the scale and translate until it fits.

Make sure that when you go into your display properties and click Identify that all your screens show different numbers, obviously.

Have you tried it yet? What problem are you having?


THX for the reply Jon.

There is just one 3840x2160 video file. As I understand the card split the input video (whatever it is) in to 4 screens, so it apparently does the splitting work. I just need to send the card a video signal of 3840x2160 but I do not know how from vvvv. Is it necessary that I split the video in the different squads…?

I have another question: Do you have an extension/codec recommended for the video to running smoothly and may do not have a very large file size? Is the vvvv capable of reading Apple pro res 4.4.2.?

Thanks for reading and for your assistance.


Hi Miguel,

which graphic card is this?
Which external device, matrox Triplehead or similar?

i think you could do that with XP in HZ spanmode and 2 Triple or Double head Matrox connected to the 2 graphic card outputs,

with this setup you can work with 1 render screen, but you need other graphic card for live patching.


You should use the VLC plugin for this. It has good support for sending a texture to multiple outputs. You won’t have to use span mode or anything.

THX for the replies!!

Well, I have news but not solutions yet.

There was a change of hardware that I think could help.

The available hardware are:

  1. A computer with a NVIDIA GeForce 8400GS. Processor: Intel i3
  2. A Matrox TripleHead
  3. A KRAMER TOOLS VP-400N (1:4 distribution amplifier)
  4. A KRAMER TOOLS VP-242 (2x1 Switcher & 1:4 Distribution Amplifier)

The owner of the hardware told me that the DA’s can split the video input into 4 different outputs to build a VideoWall (that’s what I need), I do not need any live patching, I just want it to play syncronized in the 4 screens.

I was thinking that with the Matrox Triple Head I can use the screen option to make an extended desktop joining the 3-screen display given by the Matrox and the one of the computer (to get the 4 I need), then just play the video from the computer…what do you think about it? The kramer cards does not have any software and I am not sure if the computer recognize it as a big 4 screen-size display, but I think that not because it is just a Distr.Amp.

If this works OK, I have a problem yet…I have to play a 4 minute video with sound of 3840x2160px (2fullHDx2fullHD)or 7680x1080px (4fullHDx1)…I was trying to do it in my lap but the QTplayer just crashes…It tries better to reproduce the 2x2. My lap is not the best but I would like to know how do you recommend to play the video for best performance (if possible codec/extension). I’ve read in the vvvv blog that the MJPEG is good, what do you think about it?

Jon, could you please be a little more explicit, I do not know yet what do you mean with multiple outputs and how is the relation of them and the computer display settings.

Thanks for your help!

My best!!


if you ONLY want to play a video, why don’t you ONLY use VLC or a similar video-player?

if you use vvvv with the triplehead, you should know, that the triplehead just gives you a second monitor.
Unless you use XP & Spanmode you should either use the VLC-Plugin or split your video before it comes to vvvv.

i wouldn’t use MJPEG if the video should just play (without time-scratching) – just make some short tests with the codecs named here or elsewhere on the forums.


I think this task is a bit more complicated than what you think, that is my impression from reading this thread.

First off, the distribution amplifiers will not be able to split the signal in parts of the frame, only clone what comes in.

Same goes for the switcher, it can switch between two inputs, and then what goes in, comes out four times.

So in other words, you need to get the four outputs from your computer, for this you have the 8400GS and a triplehead, this can give you 4 outputs, but if you want the 3 outputs from the triplehead to be fullHD it can only do that at 50Hz, so you need to check that whatever is receiving the signals can handle a 50Hz input, which it may or may not and you need the latest firmware of the digital edition and you need a dual link DVI output on the GPU and a short high quality DVI cable between GPU and triplehead.

So now, seen from your computer, you have 4 outputs, one seen from the computer as 5760 by 1080 and the other as 1920 by 1080.

If you have XP on the machine, spanmode exist, but it will only work with screens that have the same resolution, which these do not. So you need to run it with separate renderers, one for the triplehead output and one for the other output.

This means that you can not just out of the box use the conventional filestream node since it will not display its video over more devices (outputs) so using the filestream node you would need to synchronize two of them, each running 3/4ths and 1/4th of the video. or alternatively 4 streams each running 1/4th of the video

You can also use the vlc plugin that should be able to do the trick for you. I have yet to test it out for myself, but it should work.

When reading the specs of the machine running this setup, I am wondering a bit if it will be fast enough to play all this, you have an i3 processor with a 8400GS GPU, this sounds low end to me. Besides that, what is the speed of the harddrive? perhaps SSD is needed?. 4 times fullHD is quite a bit of data to shift around.

In any case you should definitely patch this setup on the hardware you will end up using, since there are quite a lot of parameters, both in hardware and software that need to be setup correctly that just sending a patch to others is asking for trouble.

good luck


T H A N K U!!!

Thanks for the time answering this in such a way!

Yes, you right, I am new on it, and yesterday I was reading a lot of this hardware. The DA’s are not and option. full HD is not an option either, today they told me that the Matrox they have is the analog edition one, so just 720p. Thanks for the bewarings! i didn´t know about the Hz issue…

Now I understand more about you tell me of the VLC-plugin and the Textures limitation and i think that I will doing this using it.

Just one question: if I create the two devices nodes one for the Matrox extra display and one for the other 720p screen, how could I tell the computer which one is the correct one or it do it automatically? Is there any way to do it in advance before connect everything?

I will check the codecs to see which can be handled by the machine and I will install the VLC-plug-in (I have had problems with both thing, basic staff, I couldn´t install the plugin and didn’t find how to do it in any place…if possible please help:


And the other is if there is any recommendation of a video converter that I could use my AE CS5 does not recognize a lot of the codecs recommended here after installation…

Thanks a lot, I think I am nearer than before.

My best,



THX! yes, you’re right! I found that it has a wall filter that allows to break the video and plays quite smoothly!

THX a lot.

My best for everyone!