AutoName (VVVV DescriptiveName)

intended use is :
*easy renaming of multiple IOBoxes
*keep close to the Conventions.NodeAndPinNaming

this module works systemwide.
place it in your root patch or wherever you want.

if the chosen keycombination is pressed:
‘Descriptive Names’ of all selected nodes
will be set to the names of the pins they are connected to.

only works if you saved your patch at least ONCE.

in a default patch like
“0.v4p ////”
which wasn’t saved once this module cannot work.

download AutoName (VVVV DescriptiveName).zip (5.97 Kb)

please make use of this module.

give it a try,
i’m sure after 5 minutes you don’t want to miss this anymore.

thanks kalle, thats really usefull…

giving io boxes the same name as the connected inlets is something that anoys me for a long time…

one reason to use computers is to avoid boring,repetitive work no?

wish there where more features that helps to patch faster and cleaner… i mean all that nice new features are really cool, but not much has changed in the v4 interface for patching convenience… and patching is something we do everyday no?