(2D) primitives

ok, maybe its completely strange, but how to create:
filled circles
fill a bezier form or a line constructing a triangle ?


fill a bezier form or a line constructing a triangle ?


sphere.v4p (2.3 kB)

oops were shooting to fast. for 2D just uses a segment. for performance reasons draw a circle in photoshop and apply to a quad.

segment.v4p (2.1 kB)

hum… thanks rrrr but i have some troubles to download your files.
tiki tiki is a little bit buggy firefox…

perhaps after a while …

so to come back to our discussion:
for animating some sort of abstract form ( like miro’s for example) I need to deform the projection surface ?

hmm. not totally clear to me what your form should look like that you are wanting to animate. to draw a circle try using the Segment node. not very flexible though. for more complex (animated) transformations you can distort a Mesh.

thanks rrrr.
you ay : “for performance reasons draw a circle in photoshop and apply to a quad.”

usually in others prog languages primitives help to save memories…

so its better to use images based on the 64 256 512 etc … quotes ?

NB: segment works great, many many thanks !

nocturne_miro.jpg (183.8 kB)