1 renderer 2 screens


is it possible to play one ex9 rendererr fullscreen on 2 screens?
ive been messing around with the multiscreen patches but I cant figure out how it works
I am using a graphics card with 2 outputs

can anybody help me out?



span mode does the trick.

the search function should lead you to more info though…

thanx woei

leaves me with one question, where can I swicht between dual mode and spanmode? it does nog show up in control panel/ displays


what graficcard/chip do you have?

control panel/display/settings/advanced–>


spanmode option is supposed to be in the control panel…but…
If using a laptop and nvidia u need for sure to update ure drivers…for many of nvidia graphic cards, forcewares are outdated so try this…
…and be sure to add ure GPU into the “nv4_disp.inf”…(if isn’t there yet)

thanx for yr help

but still cant find it
i am working on a ati radeon 9250 with drivers (catalyst control center) installed, not working on a labtop

cant find anything on controlpanel advanced
