"Recent Sketches" doesn't seem to work here - anything special I need to do?

I am using 5.3 preview 0377 and in my “recent sketches” I only have one single old entry, all my latest patches don’t show up.
I don’t save my work in the default folder (can that location be changed BTW.?) and wonder if it’s related to that?

Any hints welcome!



Yep, Recent Sketches only shows those saved in the default sketch folder!

Hm, that is a very weird behaviour I’ve never encountered anywhere else…
So can I change the default folder somewhere?
I don’t save my work on C:

Or would that be a feature request?

Thanks for your reply, so it’s not something weird on my machine at least!


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I don’t think you can change the location of the Sketches folder. Have to admit a very rarely use it, except for quick tests every now and then…

It was already suggested here and there (also in the chat), that this menu entry would show recently opened files instead of files in the “Sketches” folder. And I personally agree, that it would align better with what we are used to from other software.

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Yeah, as it is it’s completely useless to me, while in every other software it’s something I use constantly.
So I guess this would go to feature requests then (I’m new to the forum and VL)?

The other posts you linked all have extra stuff or special circumstances in them, what I want is just a simple “recent documents” from wherever they were opened menu entry.

Also, a setting for a user defined default directory could make sense.

