Projection mapping_beginner level

Hi All,

I am a beginner in vvvv gama and I couldn’t find many tutorials and definitions about it. I have used vvvv beta a little bit and the girl power is very useful with instructions but I think it does not exist for vvvv gama right? or maybe I couldn’t find it.

What I want to do in vvvv gama is importing squential images and making an animation out of it. I want to link the frame rate to microphone sound and then project it on a surface. So the projection mapping will be interactive. I just managed to bring the image to vvvv and after that I stuck. So I am a really beginner. If somebody can help me out like pointing related tutorials or giving hints, that would be great.

Many thanks,


we currently have no dedicated help patches for that. but the theory described here is basically the same:

if you install the VL.OpenCV nuget, you will find a camera calibration help patch that will also help you with this:


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