Pick parts of a spread in predefined order

hi all,

I know the slice count of spread A, B, C and D. They are combined through a cons node, after which I have a spread looking like this: AAABBCCCCCCCCCCDDDD. I want to pick slices with binCount multiple times and in a predefined order. for example (0,0,3,1,1,0) = AAAAAADDDDBBBBAAA

GetSpreads(Advanced) or GetSlice? Select(Vector)? Unable to wrap my head around this bin trickery atm. Very old installation, so no VL available.

Any tipps appreciated!

GetSlice. you can spread the bin size pin.
bin size: [3,2,10,4]
index: [0,0,3,1,1,0]

lol. betriebsblind
thank you so much!

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