ObjectEditor renders differently

Hey there,

Since 5.3-377, the ObjectEditor node renders differently. I have a simple Person record which is string Name, bool Is Cool, int Age.

In 5.3-368, it’s rendered like this :


Starting in 5.3-377, it looks like this :


String field is gone, and the checkbox was replaced with this widget I had never seen before.

Looks like there were quite a few changes brought in between those two, so not sure exactly what happened :-]

Why is it like this? How shall I get the “old behavior” back?

Thanks in advance!

ObjectEditorWeird.vl (12.7 KB)

As I recall, @Elias made it clear that it’s this feature that is very experimental.

The feature is perceived as still very raw all round.
I don’t think you should use it in production unless you’re prepared for it to change completely.

@sebescudie Also check out this
Looks like some UI improvements are coming