Losing external dependencies

I am using 5.0-716 and working with external dependencies.
Once I reference the dlls via Ctrl+E, it is all okay as it should be. But the moment I reference any other VL.Nuget from the dependency menu; all the external dlls will be lost!

And I must reference them again!

Is that normal?

My two cents : also happens on latest preview (737) if referencing a dll, but not if you reference a csproj instead. But maybe you’re using some external dll, so referencing a csproj might not apply here.

That’s my current workaround to reference csproj.

Thanks for pointing this out.

Just tried to reproduce this one but can’t - my added dll stays after adding a nuget to the document. Can you be more specific about the steps?

I added some dlls via Ctrl+E and started patching using nodes from the dlls.

Once i reference a VL.nuget via the dependency menu, the nodes from the external dll turn red.

I should press Ctrl+E again and replace the dlls with the same address. Or, i should i remove them and add them again.

Since last week i references the csproj. Therefore i haven’t noticed it anymore.

Ah yes, now I was able to reproduce. Fix in upcoming, thanks!

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