Looking for freelancers for a Photo-Booth project


This is Efe, Co. Founder & Creative Director in Antilop.
Antilop, (based in Istanbul/Turkey) is a design studio mostly producing works in fields of interactive installations and audio-visual performances.

We are looking for freelancers to develop a Photo Booth project.

A photo-booth which takes photos by the smile of user. Taken photos are pixelated (with face isolation) and reconstructed generatively and animatedly, using custom raster particles.

Particles will be parsed from a database folder, which will allow client change the theme of installation by changing the raster images in the folder.

  • Project deadline is first week of March.
  • Developing in Istanbul is not mandatory. /(Can be discussed with developer if it’s neccessary or not)

If you are interested, get in touch for details:


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Hello Efe,

I happen to read your post details and interested discussing further.
Sent you an email, Please Check

deepvyas71 g m a i l c o m

Best Regards