I installed vvvv gamma on my labtop - doen't show 'Renderer' menu, option?

I installed vvvv gamma on my labtop - doen’t show ‘Renderer’ menu, option?
What’s the problem?

or should I use other version of vvvv? If then please let me know it. I’m just beginner and this is first install.

Intel core i3-7100 CPU @ 2.4GHZ
Window 10 Home.

and is vvvv only for Windows? Is also has Mac OS?

Thank you.


Yes, for now vvvv is Windows only.
To see the Renderer, you need to enable the VL.Skia package, like shown in this video.

Please make sure to watch some videos about basics of vvvv, for example this tutorial:

Have fun exploring!

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Thank you for your help!!!