Error when trying to show sketches folder in quad menu

Occurs in 2022.5.119, when clicking on:
Quad Menu > Recent Sketches > Show in Explorer

As the GammaLauncher is mentioned in the log, it should also be mentioned, that I started vvvv via GammaLauncher with repos activated, don’t know if that is valuable information…

Also, as I am already on it - is it a big hassle to also show under “Recent Sketches” those which are not put in the sketches folder? :) I have my patches that I work on actually all over the place, and I would totally love being able to retrieve my recent ones in this menu! Maybe named like “Recent documents”…

Thanks. Will be fixed in upcoming previews.


it would be amazing if the recent sketches would show the last opened files
1 minute saved for every vvvv session <3


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