CTRL 3 kommunikator suggestion

The new interface for uploading client is really great, and for me major improvement since beta23. just a few things, i would say peanuts, sorry to pst them…

-buttons should be pressed by right click, according to VVVV logical ith buttons
in order to avoid double sending:
-string returning result of upload is not reseted on close or on open of the Kommunicator window.
-it would be great that a variable is printed in it ( upload number X),being updated at each send, and being ignited at each opening of VVV exe.

voilà !

minus 1 for right click
left click for buttons makes sense to me
right click for bangs
sorry :(

Upload not being a bang ??? ;-)

what about improving the kommunikator so that you can upload (help)patches with it?

i’m sure this will lower the treshold for the users (including myself) to commit helppatches or modules.

yeah, +1 for sebls suggestion

+1 !.. no text …

good find. thanks. fixed.